Background Info
Tom was one of the summer interns in 2016. He has since won many awards, and gone on to organise and become the CEO of the reoccuring event HackTheMidlands.
Tom graduated with a 1st class honours in 2018.
Impact of placement
My summer with Majestic was really where I'd say my career as a developer, and work in the tech community really started to flourish. The ability to do flexible, impactful work, in an immensely supportive and downright fun environment was paramount to this, and probably why I ended up coming back two more times to do more work for Majestic! It was an absolute joy, and I'm honestly pretty jealous of everyone working there now.
-Tom Goodman
Background Info
Samuel was one of the summer interns in 2016. Since working with us, he has completed a 12 month placement, landed a graduate job with Arm and had a lot of success in his final year project 'CPU design and compiler'
Samuel graduated with a 1st class degree.
Impact of placement
Majestic was my first tech-related job, and so to say that it helped form me and teach me about the industry would be an understatement! I learnt vital teamwork-related skills while I was there that have served me really well to this day. I also got to experience office life for the first time and got to work on interesting projects with libraries and programming languages that I'd not even considered before. These helped broaden my skillset and expose me to new areas of software development. In short, I probably wouldn't have been as well prepared for working life if I hadn't spent a summer working with the great people at Majestic.
-Samuel Tebbs
Tom Clarke

- Joined CGI UK to become a key member of the Product Centre Smart Metering team
- Leading development of the Smart Orchestration Layer
Background Info
Tom was one of the summer interns in 2015. After his internship ended, he went on to have a successful year in industry with CGI UK, who he has now returned to full time and is working within the Product Centre Smart Metering team. His biggest achievement since re-joining was leading development of the Smart Orchestration Layer, which is now running in production for multiple clients and interfacing with the UK’s smart metering network.
Tom graduated from the University of Birmingham in 2018 with 1st class BSc Hons in Computer Science
Impact of placement
10 weeks with Majestic in 2015 gave me a fantastic opportunity to develop technical and soft skills while enjoying myself with a friendly team. The intern group was given the freedom to explore presenting Majestic’s massive data store in whatever wonderful way we could design and implement, which gave us plenty of opportunity to prototype various ideas and polish those that really shone through; One creation was nominated for an ‘Information is Beautiful’ award, and another was gifted with the trademark ‘Social Explorer’. I left with considerably better coding experience, and massively improved soft skills, not to mention the experience of representing the company at Leeds Hack 2015 which gave me good industry insight and a chance to share experiences with other established professionals
-Tom Clarke
Find out more
You can read more about our summer interns and their experiences on our blog.